Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)

This quote was added by dragonblood_katana
All I need is the power to protect my comrades. So long as I can have the strength to do that, I don't care if I'm weaker than everybody in the world.

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aliajwad 6 years, 4 months ago
I didn't know this website had some anijme stuff as well.

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missarkansas 159.35 100%
ilovejujubee 145.01 100%
sammich 144.36 99.3%
vmlm 144.03 100%
mouseisfine 143.04 99.3%
aubree_2015 137.20 97.4%
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trishadgk 135.78 100%
starl1ng 133.94 100%
user693695 133.39 100%

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rrapattoni 82.02 99.3%
falsesu 73.75 96.2%
petrolfume 77.83 87.7%