Diane McLaren

This quote was added by kenzzyboo
Within each of us, nature has provided all the pieces necessary to achieve exceptional health and wellness, then left it up to us to put them all together.

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mmurphy 12 years, 4 months ago
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eventlogging 170.00 100%
geoffhuang 161.29 89.4%
user37933 148.40 100%
lytewerk 146.10 100%
ilovejujubee 141.65 100%
user40438 140.94 100%
teilodv 140.47 96.9%
genoscreams 138.75 99.4%
rushupedge1 138.25 100%
iameungorilla 133.60 98.7%

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user78528 93.64 95.1%
user85179 89.60 95.7%
kely 71.76 100%
user101919 73.08 93.9%
engl3king06 80.73 97.5%