Don't follow blindly - -anon

This quote was added by user64498
And when you follow blindly the person in front of you, you lead blindly in which the people following you are doing the same. This creates a cycle of incompetence and arrogance.

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dvorakdan 8 years, 1 month ago
Especially true when driving!

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user871724 178.16 90.4%
cspenguino 157.80 100%
user66168 157.53 99.4%
user37933 154.75 96.7%
inw_typer 151.00 100%
inw_typer 151.00 66%
ltfigs 148.10 99.4%
settheplaceablaze 147.82 100%
kwu 147.51 100%
alliekarakosta 146.44 100%

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user107564 66.80 98.3%
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user871724 178.16 90.4%
jessicarusso416 89.99 98.9%
strikeemblem 118.39 99.4%
moonsword20 52.59 90.8%