To Parents . . . - Wordsmith

This quote was added by user60351
To parents: Your child's character is more important than their grades. Good grades do not even always translate to fine intelligence, nor do they reflect that one has a common sense.

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jacqueline1234 116.41 98.9%
geryjs 111.55 96.8%
cholloway526 99.49 99.5%
user80750 98.24 98.9%
dante-didit 97.62 98.4%
scribop 96.44 95.3%
rahul__raj 92.85 100%
rkoh 90.83 96.8%
delacruz.danilojr 85.89 97.9%
oswald_dimbulb 83.18 97.3%

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trishadgk 78.09 81.3%
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slaughtermelon 78.26 95.8%
rozzz 65.96 96.3%
scribop 96.44 95.3%