The Force - Obi-Wan

This quote was added by wizardtimelord
The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

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jpadtyping 137.93 98.7%
thatcook 136.88 99.4%
dweather 129.73 96.3%
stormspirit97 126.16 95.7%
user431896 123.19 98.7%
aerizu 122.94 99.4%
solongaphasia 120.54 99.4%
vmlm 119.23 98.1%
hackertyper492 119.17 93.5%
user9212 118.93 100%

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ajennings17 68.70 94.6%
browar08 97.14 98.7%
jackey2baccey 87.25 91.8%
penguino_beano 99.71 97.5%