Disappointment - Quote by Rosetta Ross (but typer was Cheyenne Komma)

This quote was added by cheyenne.k
NEVER mess with someone when they are down, because as soon as, and when they get back up...... YOU ARE SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Quote by Rosetta Ross.

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Name WPM Accuracy
ellxi39 66.92 96.2%
user604787 63.57 93.3%
abhithetyper 54.16 98.1%
ashields2018 54.05 99.3%
jessicadr818 53.24 96.8%
user843630 51.24 95%
user624151 47.41 94.4%
deeray42 42.38 88%
niknikwill3 41.82 94.4%
drvwn 36.63 93.3%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user624151 47.41 94.4%
niknikwill3 41.82 94.4%
ellxi39 66.92 96.2%
user99861 28.92 86.0%
jessicadr818 53.24 96.8%
drvwn 36.63 93.3%
deeray42 42.38 88%
ashields2018 54.05 99.3%