Thought - unknown

This quote was added by dvashishsingh
Quote that truly liked by me is "The only thing that truly matters on the journey of life is the company of those we choose to share it with." Isn't it true.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
cornvelious 121.58 100%
hieu 119.79 100%
rossgshaffer 112.37 95.2%
user381085 109.55 94.7%
kicko 106.33 97.5%
jacqueline1234 101.21 94.6%
sterlingwolf 100.31 95.2%
trishadgk 96.39 91.3%
jellyvanessa 86.16 90.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
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jellyvanessa 86.16 90.8%
diamondrock 73.23 92.4%
user85658 85.73 99.4%
jacqueline1234 101.21 94.6%
kicko 106.33 97.5%