Helping Verbs - 4th Grade Teacher

This quote was added by gnusead
"Have has had do does did be am is are was were been can could shall should will would may might must being" are helping verbs. Sing this to the tune of This Old Man.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
marchtoglory 112.32 94.3%
user98852 101.53 94.3%
ephemeralwildflower 98.44 96.5%
scribop 95.81 94.9%
shyhamhalder 92.87 97.1%
kensmom825 92.79 96.0%
sweenburg007 91.70 98.2%
kicko 90.96 92.7%
user830398 89.60 97.1%
shaikkamarul 88.64 98.8%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
shyhamhalder 92.87 97.1%
sweenburg007 91.70 98.2%
alahoy22 78.07 92.7%
user830398 89.60 97.1%
maadj 65.32 91.2%
shaikkamarul 81.47 97.1%
scribop 95.81 94.9%
kensmom825 92.79 96.0%