Love - Kierra Alford

This quote was added by user66257
When you love somebody you will be with them always. Even when things do not work well you guys will always love each other. Even if you guys meet somebody else you guys are always perfect for each other and will never be apart.

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user81230 137.56 97.0%
trishadgk 118.14 92.7%
marib 117.25 94.6%
user88803 107.77 100%
changh6813 104.48 100%
snow94 102.36 100%
memory_allocation 101.45 96.6%
wsarasua26 101.23 97.4%
user107340 93.42 93.4%
astrid17 89.63 96.2%

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Name WPM Accuracy
memory_allocation 101.45 96.6%
user88803 107.77 100%
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user106322 42.40 90.1%
user107340 93.42 93.4%
blackberry123 52.92 95.8%
wsarasua26 101.23 97.4%
snow94 102.36 100%