
This quote was added by user601673
You must eradicate from the body, sickness; from the soul, ignorance; from the belly, luxury; from a city, sedition; from a family, discord; and from all things, excess.

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suikacider 150.74 96.0%
berryberryberry 149.32 96.6%
gbzaid 144.96 100%
ze_or 141.87 97.7%
am4sian 138.66 98.8%
69buttpractice 135.85 99.4%
zhengfeilong 134.37 99.4%
willwin4sure 133.95 97.1%
user216987 133.56 99.4%
dismint 130.74 99.4%

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browar08 99.92 97.7%
5unfl0w3r5 65.23 88.0%
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