Make it happen - Michael Glodosky

This quote was added by glodosky1005
If you really want someone to be in your life, make it happen. Those who are there for you will be. Those who aren't won't be. It's that simple. Don't overthink your relationships.

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weesin 5 years, 3 months ago
you have an error in your quote. In the first sentence, the second instance of "you" should be typed as "your"

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Name WPM Accuracy
space_cadet 115.69 96.3%
m_murasaki 112.82 100%
poosay 108.01 97.3%
sweenburg007 100.50 97.8%
whhow2 99.03 100%
testman123 97.70 100%
thedigitalallo 86.62 94.2%
nicolewmym 85.37 92.7%
user85658 85.07 98.4%
jessc.90 83.85 99.4%

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Name WPM Accuracy
jessc.90 83.85 99.4%
whhow2 99.03 100%
sweenburg007 100.50 97.8%
jen07 78.53 85.3%
m_murasaki 112.82 100%
space_cadet 115.69 96.3%
deelanxd 54.09 95.2%
m_murasaki 90.86 93.8%