Running Well - Miguel M.

This quote was added by shinnen
Fix your eyes on the goal. Fill your lungs with the fire of passion. Run in such a way that when you cross the finish line and turn to look back there is fiery smoke left in your wake.

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Name WPM Accuracy
johnymaccarroni 180.81 100%
user871724 171.75 95.4%
hololivefan 166.03 100%
aight 164.54 99.5%
practicebutt69 156.94 100%
user37933 155.10 97.9%
69buttpractice 154.74 100%
rezai 152.61 98.4%
venerated 149.27 98.4%
user87589 148.38 100%

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m_murasaki 91.98 95.3%
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shiv__o4 52.35 90.3%
kaitlynmarie 65.45 92.5%
distillator 56.72 89.8%
andyanchovy 95.39 94.8%
rezai 152.61 98.4%
nobleinfantry 4.65 93.4%