My new melody MLB - Thomas Astruc

This quote was added by renarouge1
You're the most extraordinary girl, Marinette. Clear as a musical note and as sincere as a melody. You're the music that's been playing inside my head since the day we first met.

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user381085 122.02 98.9%
dante-didit 105.05 100%
afminto 104.35 97.3%
adrianpb 104.11 95.2%
hhyx 97.65 88.1%
rockmart 92.41 91.9%
ilovetinoubiel 78.12 96.7%
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user85658 75.10 96.8%
user90997 73.35 84.4%

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dante-didit 105.05 100%
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user99861 45.07 93.2%