Dong Yeong Bae (Taeyang)

This quote was added by _kookie
Have you ever played ping pong up against a wall? You get exhausted a lot quicker than playing against someone. It's the same with getting angry. If you keep getting angry on your own, all that anger will just come back to you.

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johnymaccarroni 164.25 99.6%
penguino_beano 152.19 98.7%
venerated 149.75 97.8%
user871724 148.55 93.8%
user491757 147.20 99.6%
user216987 146.69 100%
berryberryberry 141.87 97.8%
suikacider 138.97 95.8%
hippogriffo 138.15 96.6%
am4sian 135.93 98.3%

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jgdude 115.84 95.4%
the_hornburg 70.27 93.8%
sterlingwolf 80.96 93.8%