What We Prepare - Emmanuel

This quote was added by ravenstar8998
We owe it to you to keep you from physical harm, but we don't owe it to you to keep you from ideas you find abhorrent. We want you to be strong, not safe. Because the world is going to demand you to be strong.

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user871724 178.76 98.6%
berryberryberry 166.53 99.1%
johnymaccarroni 163.36 98.6%
name_999 160.53 100%
restspeaker 157.97 99.5%
guest._. 152.95 96.3%
69buttpractice 152.35 99.5%
gbzaid 148.77 97.2%
srm 148.24 94.1%
ned1230 148.15 98.1%

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jessicadr818 86.29 97.2%
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