Jokerman - Dylan

This quote was added by thetypingguy
Standing on the waters casting your bread, while the eyes of the idol with the iron head are glowing. Distant ships sailing into the mist, you were born with a snake in both of your fists while a hurricane was blowing. Freedom just around the corner for you, but with the truth so far off, what good will it do?

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Name WPM Accuracy
2001or2 124.53 90.2%
rossgshaffer 99.85 92.6%
ajennings17 96.15 98.1%
sterlingwolf 94.60 96.0%
bbuell01 92.70 88.9%
eduardo616 88.50 98.7%
sophkel 88.44 95.7%
user97848 86.88 93.1%
cholloway526 83.24 96.3%
tuupi 80.59 96.0%

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Name WPM Accuracy
sterlingwolf 94.60 96.0%
tuupi 80.59 96.0%
rumi_25 73.06 96.0%
user730610 50.78 95.1%
blackman 70.33 98.1%
cholloway526 83.24 96.3%
2001or2 124.53 90.2%
ajennings17 96.15 98.1%