Feel - Sophia Zheng

This quote was added by dimpledaddy
If you feel the wind, if you feel the pain, if you feel the gentleness, then look, you're living properly aren't you? So you'll be ok, keep going. You got this.

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user871724 191.71 99.4%
johnymaccarroni 172.24 100%
toinfinity 151.89 98.2%
user491757 150.85 98.8%
name_999 148.84 100%
km172123 148.60 100%
zhengfeilong 147.36 99.4%
forkhunter 147.14 100%
keyherohero 146.89 98.2%
venerated 144.84 99.4%

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engl3king06 80.08 95.2%
marchtoglory 116.40 93.6%
msrlescharles 45.38 93.0%