Idolish7 - Gaku Yaotome (Trigger)

This quote was added by bitterrabbit
Erase all the noise around you. Listen for your own voice. Instead of striving to become someone who'll be loved by a hundred people, become someone you'll love yourself. That's what it's like to put your all into being yourself.

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user871724 184.90 97.0%
johnymaccarroni 171.24 99.1%
berryberryberry 165.55 93.9%
user491757 152.75 99.6%
practicebutt69 147.22 100%
keyherohero 146.69 98.7%
km172123 146.28 100%
alextest11 145.51 100%
user95397 145.34 99.1%
user939249 141.83 92.8%

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