You can do this - aogajweigjawe

This quote was added by amwpbmmom
This is very easy, I hope you get a personal best on this quote, take your time. You can do this, just believe in yourself, you're done the quote soon, just about now.

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noatti 3 years, 3 months ago
I can't believe there's a typo in this one

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Name WPM Accuracy
user491757 136.74 98.2%
thegreatwalrus 135.67 88.2%
0snolx 135.46 97.1%
user586219 132.23 98.8%
nimbus_broth 130.67 100%
quizilian 129.67 98.2%
user81912 128.21 98.8%
user576056 126.16 96.0%
amoses 123.21 99.4%
abe132 121.47 97.7%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user817767 102.32 97.7%
homelander 53.20 87.9%
matthewpiring03 94.68 91.8%
user421490 81.98 95.4%
user99861 48.86 87.4% 98.03 98.8%
user105585 53.99 93.3%
user624151 82.41 98.8%