
This quote was added by ivoryrose13
That's what family is. It's the people you're born to and the people you choose to stand beside you when things get hard. There's no place I'd rather be than right beside you, okay?

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user871724 205.82 100%
jiggalee 164.43 97.3%
user491757 161.55 98.4%
toinfinity 157.95 100%
km172123 148.23 100%
go7chu 148.02 100%
localbisexual 144.91 98.9%
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strikeemblem 142.76 100%
venerated 141.42 94.8%

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user99861 58.88 95.8%
muxedotask 81.44 92.8%
user823044 94.51 94.3%