Anonymous Love

This quote was added by user871724
This quote is for the girl that I fell in love with in school. We never talked. Now I'm 40 years old and a father of two. I wonder what she is doing now. What would we do if we met again?

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 181.26 100%
iltranscendent 126.35 98.9%
rivendellis 123.44 98.9%
lynchrobinson 123.39 99.4%
amirdhirani 116.33 97.8%
strikeemblem 115.42 97.3%
dcb87 113.72 98.4%
zalyx 109.64 94.2%
user511259 109.59 92.5%
nanaracer 107.15 98.9%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 139.92 97.9%
user871724 159.42 100%
user871724 159.21 97.4%
user871724 166.33 100%
user871724 166.01 100%
user871724 173.95 100%
user871724 158.25 100%
user871724 173.55 100%