Music and Typing - PhantomInsomnia

This quote was added by phantominsomnia
I've found that listening to music while practicing my typing actually helps a lot with my accuracy. It might just be me, but I recommend trying it. Turn on a playlist that you like or listen to regularly, and have it playing in the background (or with headphones if you don't want to disturb anyone) and see how you do!

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lenoriteflipped 7 months, 3 weeks ago
That actually sounds like good and interesting advice

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 157.62 94.7%
venerated 151.87 97.6%
user491757 146.70 100%
forkhunter 130.69 97.6%
onetwothreefour1234 127.70 98.8%
feuv 127.05 98.8%
user381085 117.70 96.7%
mafuso 116.77 97.6%
lisaveebee 116.02 98.8%
jezpher 114.88 94.1%

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bweeta 98.48 99.7%
user93811 84.97 94.1%
user781461 64.70 94.0%