The benefit of touch typing - Wally

This quote was added by wally77
I realize now that the real benefit of touch typing is freeing your mind to concentrate on the subject rather than searching for the next key to press.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
ialpha_panda 153.74 100%
missarkansas 148.33 99.3%
xmaddockmark 141.40 99.3%
jpadtyping 136.60 96.8%
bunniexo 136.57 98.1%
vmlm 136.17 100%
svillars 135.54 99.3%
samuraininja 133.15 94.4%
stormspirit97 133.08 95.6%

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shavirandesh_22 53.29 100%
tej33 63.50 94.4%
hannahshea23 55.46 92.1%
monita 34.36 90.5%
user692240 55.78 84.4%