Lisa Werkheiser

This quote was added by mommy2013
When you find someone who loves you despite your past, you know they are the one. Whether you believe them or not. You have to get over the past to be happy in the future.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 187.26 96.1%
user491757 156.77 98.3%
2001or2 152.57 96.6%
strikeemblem 138.00 98.3%
chrisbrewer 132.36 97.7%
kyle_w 122.43 96.6%
trishadgk 118.03 91.4%
rrapattoni 114.95 100%
jellyvanessa 101.79 95.5%
user83344 98.04 99.4%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 187.26 96.1%
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baboom 96.16 97.2%
shaikkamarul 86.57 94.0%
poopandpee 87.86 95%