Pursuit of Happiness - Anonymous

This quote was added by tree-hugger631
Don't ever let someone tell you you can't do something. Not even me, all right? You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can't do something themselves, they want to tell you, "You can't do it." You want something, go get it. Period.

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user656006 5 years, 2 months ago
Pursuit of Happyness

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user871724 151.06 99.6%
geoffhuang_slow 148.11 97.1%
lytewerk 139.97 98.3%
mustelidae 133.76 100%
ze_or 132.11 98.8%
user960677 131.18 97.5%
heiga 129.30 100%
brainfreezy 128.21 95.6%
shindouhikaru 127.17 97.9%
dcb87 125.91 98.8%

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thecrazydane2 77.14 92.0%
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user80864 86.27 94.4%
rrapattoni 109.86 100%
jzeug7 76.12 94.1%