Oxymoron - Autumn

This quote a été ajouté par agreenleaf
My first name is Autumn and my last name is Greenleaf but there are no green leaves in Autumn - that's my little catch phrase. Once people hear my name, the following question occurs, "did your parents do that on purpose?" The answer is no, they didn't. It was an accident. Not that I was an accident, but the name was an accident. They just liked the season. I am cursed with talking about it daily, so why not put it on a public forum?

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yellowworld 3 années, 1 mois avant
my friend's last name is greenleaf
weiahe 3 années, 6 mois avant
I didn't know greenleaf is a last name. Is this actually your name?
jacksonm 5 années avant
lol this is for real???

i assumed this was a quote from a book!

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