WPM Definition

WPM means Words Per Minute. It is a measure of the output speed on a
keyboard. Here's how it works:
- start a timer and start typing for exactly 1 minute
- count how many characters you just typed including spaces and
- divide that value by 5 (the WPM system considers a word is 5 keystrokes)
- the result is your Words Per Minute speed

For example, if I've typed the text "Hello world. It is a nice day." and it
took me 1 minute to enter that text. Here's how I get my WPM speed:
- "Hello world. It is a nice day." has 30 characters
- in terms of WPM words that's 30 / 5 = 6 words (because with WPM a
word is 5 keystrokes)
- so my speed is 6 WPM

If it took me 30 seconds to type that text, then my speed would be:
6 * 60 / 30 = 12 WPM

The average professional typists reach a speed of 50 to 70 WPM. Are
you a professional typist? Do the free typing test :) https://www.keyhero.com/play/

More information can be found on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Words_per_minute