Short Quotes - Jeremiah S.

This quote fue agregado por jgdude
You know, if those who claim to want to give you a short quote stopped patting themselves on the back, they could make even shorter quotes. Just type and enjoy the quotes you do, stop flooding the quote pool complaining.

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chenille 8 meses, 4 semanas atrás
There's a minimum character count.
saad231 8 meses, 4 semanas atrás
You know, if those who clime to want to give you a short quote stopped patting stopped patting themselves on the back, they could make even shorter quotes. Just type and enjoy the quotes you do, stop flooding the quote pool complaining.
toinfinity 1 año atrás
Says the person flooding the quote pool complaining.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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typergui 134.14 100%

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