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so... you cheated on him

William Chapman
Thank you, for this quote. I appreciate it very much.

Candace Owens
It's a method that is used to silent those who don't want to hear it. …

Khaldoon Khalid
Very relatable, especially at 23 as I'm finishing up my last week of undergrad this …

Michael Sugrue
Yeah, that's great and all. But here's a reminder that you can praise God up …


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Léopold Sédar Senghor - Œuvre poétique
Le français ce sont les grandes orgues qui se prêtent à tous les timbres, à tous les effets, des douceurs les plus suaves aux fulgurances de l'orage. Il est, tour à tour ou en même temps, flûte, hautbois, trompette, tam-tam et même canon.