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Corrected for capitalization and punctuation errors

My condolences to anyone who got jinxed by this quote.

This is really stupid quote. Then just delete privilege from the dictionary since is had …

Jake Thompson
Imagine being so pathetic you're tickled at by your own terribly bad joke.

Thanks for the positive message, but that hashtag really tripped me up :c


sst0rmn's quotes

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Baby Finn, Adventure Time - Buff Baby
I'm a buff baby that can dance like a man! I can shake-ah my fanny, I can shake-ah my can! I'm a tough-tootin' baby I can punch-ah your buns! Punch-ah your buns! I can punch all your buns! If you're an evil witch, I will punch you for fun!

Dr. Maheswaran - Steven Universe
When humans are in crisis, the brain releases the hormone cortisol. Your heart races, your muscles tense. I wonder if your body is reacting to a gem equivalent of cortisol. I think all these experiences have been subjecting your body to a harmful amount of stress, and that's affecting your ability to respond to new forms of stress in a healthy way. You've been dealing with genuine threats from such a young age your body is now responding to minor stress as if your life were in danger.