Golden Girls - Sophia Petrillo

This quote ถูกเพิ่มโดย susanmvan
She happens to like girls instead of guys. Some people like cats instead of dogs. Frankly, I'd rather live with a lesbian than a cat. Unless the lesbian sheds, then I don't know.


3.1 out of 5 based on 103 ratings.



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promethes 1 ปี, 5 เดือน ที่แล้ว
i'd rather live with the cat tbh

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
berryberryberry 166.76 97.3%
applesonlsd 153.97 100%
69buttpractice 152.59 98.9%
takishan 148.33 97.8%
user267992 146.33 98.9%
bmcgoo 142.04 100%
vmlm 140.21 100%
jeox 138.63 99.4%
practicebutt69 137.79 100%
venerated 137.28 100%

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
spiritowl 110.54 96.7%
slow_turtle 60.32 93.7%
paronomasia 123.00 94.7%
user339852 50.65 89%
geryjs 106.26 98.3%
user101020 56.35 94.2%
ccollins.94 45.63 91.8%
pebn1sss 71.75 95.2%