a Piece of Cake - Richard Assuage

This quote ถูกเพิ่มโดย acepergers
'Tis a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake, or so it was told. And 'tis true, a plain sponge works easily enough, but is this enough to be proclaimed "pretty"? Indeed, it seems to me that an attractive cake requires skills that could be years in the gaining. Is it not an injustice to the patissier, to claim their work to be simple? Let the art be praised, not for its ease, but for the dedication and skill evident in its execution.


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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
jiggalee 141.36 98.0%
penguino_beano 132.13 97.1%
mrlazav 131.18 98.2%
fiskhe 128.58 98.2%
2001or2 115.73 91.2%
user586219 115.15 94.8%
user491757 114.39 95.8%
spiritowl 111.94 99.3%
rivendellis 110.51 97.3%
iltranscendent 109.23 98.2%

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
lpm14 92.84 96.0%
user957906 26.81 92.6%
2001or2 115.73 91.2%
user104445 76.24 86.7%
mythnus 72.07 91.2%
han-yolo 67.47 91.4%
iltranscendent 105.22 98.4%
bkbroiler 85.73 94.6%