Commentaires récents

Gail Honeyman
That is such a mood, I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to …

Behemouth Effluvium
(I think some of my comments got cut off, you might have to hover your …

Behemouth Effluvium
I dunno if you're gonna read this but you're on the right track! Learning how …

Behemouth Effluvium
2) Start trying to group letters and short words together. At 50 wpm, you probably …

Behemouth Effluvium
3) As you're typing a word, start reading ahead at the next word. This will …


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Arthur Lynch
Children should not be coddled in their intellectual training any more than in their physical; and though the studies should be made interesting the interest should arise out of the studies themselves. We have bred a generation that cannot digest anything intellectual but tablets of peptonized food. One sees that in the popular papers with their brevity, still increasing in brevity as far as brevity can increase, and in the capacity for thought of our rulers.