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You are the sunlight that rose again in my life. A reincarnation of my childhood …

You've perfectly described the word 'sonder' - the profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including …

Icy L.T.
How can one say "Live, laugh, and love" then immediately follow with "Be different"? That …

bruisedhedonist, periods are supposed to be in quotations.

"our" not "are". stay in school.


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JPPhua - Life Like A Sponge
Like a sponge, we soak up all the information that the world offers us. This broadens our horizon; it keeps the mind sharp and stimulates ideas. But our mind can only absorb so much. Sponges have limits, so regularly squeeze the liquid out; otherwise the sponge will start to smell. Give your mind space to process all the information. Keep what's useful, discard what's not and apply what's necessary.