Commentaires récents

Gail Honeyman
That is such a mood, I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to …

Behemouth Effluvium
(I think some of my comments got cut off, you might have to hover your …

Behemouth Effluvium
I dunno if you're gonna read this but you're on the right track! Learning how …

Behemouth Effluvium
2) Start trying to group letters and short words together. At 50 wpm, you probably …

Behemouth Effluvium
3) As you're typing a word, start reading ahead at the next word. This will …


stephendumeyer's citations

Tout citations

Myself - Midwest Weather
I will never truly understand the weather in the Midwest, it just fluctuates so much. For example, it is 60 degrees today, and by the end of the week there will be a foot of snow on my doorstep. All I ask for is some consistency.

Stephen Dumeyer - Making People Happy
There are people in this world that want to do one thing, make others happy. However, in doing so they tend to find that they have disturbed others. What could they have done? Well, in making one person happy they have made another jealous or sided against them. For example, backing someone in an argument will make the other side dislike you. Remind yourself that it is impossible to make everyone in the world happy, so make sure the important people in your life are happy before branching out..

Stephen Dumeyer - I don't know why I'm Writing this
I really don't know why I'm writing this, as you can tell by the title. I know we all read the quotes that are super deep and philosophical and wonder: why in the world did they write all that? Well, honestly, if it's for the same reason I'm writing this, the answer is boredom.