Type Fast - Unkown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von christianm
I know that if I can reach a wpm score of a bare minimum of eighty I'll be able to qualify for a great job that should help me get into a better place than I am now. I'm on a time limit though, I only have twelve days though so the pressure is on. I have even less time than you'd think because of my work schedule, so even more pressure is on me when I am on this website. Oh geez am I glad that this website exists to help me. Now all that I can do is pound these keys as fast as I possibly can.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
theking 101.07 96.7%
eggg04 98.74 98.0%
jimbo123 97.98 91.0%
bweeta 94.69 96.7%
danbi 80.44 97.1%
charlottehci 76.21 96.3%
user781461 74.66 95.5%
ivoryrose13 62.03 92.9%
joseimperial 59.18 91.0%
tdeep 58.52 92.2%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user781461 74.66 95.5%
user534512 51.13 96.7%
bweeta 94.69 96.7%
eggg04 98.74 98.0%
slanter59 55.01 92.2%
user99861 56.37 94.7%
ivoryrose13 59.42 93.1%
charlottehci 76.21 96.3%