17776: Heaven is scary - Jon Bois

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von quarter
Because I'm like you, I kinda look at the big long life ahead of me that stretches out forever and disappears. And I get scared. And I think, "This can't be Heaven if I'm getting scared, right?" And then I think, "Maybe I am in Heaven, and Heaven is scary."

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slowtyper237 12 Monate vor
I know Jon Bois as like the OG video essay guy, but never have I thought he was also the creator of something so cool. 10/10
quarter 1 Jahr, 10 Monate vor
This quote is from one of my favorite works of art, 17776. If immediately after clicking the following link to the 1st chapter, you are at all intrigued, scroll down: https://www.sbnation.com/a/17776-football/chapter-1

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