Ego Boost

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von mjmurph80
I find that it's a good idea to practice hard words and tough spellings to get your typing speed up, but sometimes a short quote with a lot of easy words can do big things for your ego. I like seeing the big number at the end of those, even if I know in my head that it isn't accurate. I hope you feel proud of yourself after this quick and easy quote.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
strikeemblem 127.12 97.0%
kensmom825 111.20 98.3%
laura10 111.03 97.8%
trishadgk 108.73 94.1%
dante-didit 106.39 95.9%
akumajc 100.76 97.8%
user90997 95.94 92.6%
vishal 93.27 94.4%
ajennings17 91.36 95.9%
magesh 84.61 90.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
dante-didit 106.39 95.9%
strikeemblem 127.12 97.0%
vishal 93.27 94.4%
bkbroiler 77.59 91.9%
user735839 60.38 95.9%
nocheq 66.28 94.6%
kehe4 84.47 90.5%
user358066 60.21 93.1%