Alphabet - Alim86

This quote ble lagt til av alim86
The best way to practice typing is to type the English alphabet. Practice typing the alphabet in reverse direction as well. It increases your typing speed as well as accuracy.

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sanguinius 6 år, 3 måneder siden
That's simply untrue. The best way to practice your typing is to type words, because that's what you're going to be typing when you type. You need to practice connecting letters to each other in specific ways, which doesn't happen by typing the alphabet, forwards or backwards.

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inw_typer 141.00 91.6%
majochama 134.75 98.3%
imstaken 132.70 97.8%
wolfram 130.38 97.8%
u557051 128.42 98.3%
missarkansas 124.49 95.7%
throwawei 124.45 94.1%
user266672 123.07 99.4%
mustelidae 122.65 96.2%
samuraininja 121.57 95.2%

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trishadgk 97.26 92.1%
marqt4 44.07 92.6%
user843630 63.45 94.6%
nhjtruong 70.24 96.7%
smartboynaresh 87.59 94.6%
user104252 72.65 96.7%
asada678 51.23 98.3%
lew_lou_lemon 70.10 97.2%