Power is in words - Amy Francis

This quote ble lagt til av amy-marie-francis1999
Power is in words. You have the power to use a word against someone and unless they know what it means you have the power of that word. You can share the power by telling people what a word means. Knowledge is in reading and power is in words.

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kaikaikaikaikai 9 år, 7 måneder siden
A word has no power if it fails to communicate what you intend it to. (Except you intend to destroy your opponents hearing by sheer volume, in which case you can use any word)
teilo 10 år, 2 måneder siden
There are countless idiots who have incredibly broad vocabularies. They are still idiots. Therefore your argument is invalid.
vmlm 10 år, 9 måneder siden
Actually, I don't think a word has any power if you're the only one who knows it...

Maybe if you and your buddies know a word that nobody else does, it has some power, but the only way for a word to have any use if to share the meaning. Otherwise it's no good.
If you try to insult a person with a word they don't know, at most they'll be dumbfounded, but more probably they'll just laugh at you for your ridiculous made up word.
littlebit264 11 år, 3 måneder siden
Wow I never knew that.

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