Changeless - Gail Carriger

This quote נוסף על ידי indigochaos
She boasted the general battle-axe demeanor of an especially strict governess. This was the kind of woman who took her tea black, smoked cigars after midnight, played a mean game of cribbage, and kept a bevy of repulsive little dogs. Alexia liked her immediately.

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2.5 out of 5 based on 22 ratings.

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התוצאות הטובות ביותר עבור typing test

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
feuv 134.77 99.2%
2001or2 127.60 93.6%
kymar96 120.31 99.2%
strikeemblem 113.73 98.5%
practicebutt69 113.19 100%
pontoko 112.75 95.6%
user8116 110.10 100%
divine_. 108.89 97.8%
penguino_beano 107.68 97.4%
wierdfishthing 106.46 96.3%

לאחרונה עבור

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
donoshea 85.43 96.3%
presto1 96.91 95.3%
hazletth1 47.99 97.8%
jena83 52.50 91.3%
maadj 57.43 90.1%
kicko 74.58 88.6%
user107224 65.29 93.3%
trishadgk 78.37 87.1%