Scared Kid - Good Will Hunting - Sean Maguire

This quote נוסף על ידי mackenzie0629
You don't know about real loss, 'cause that only occurs when you've loved something more than you love yourself. And I doubt you've ever dared to love anything that much. I look at you. I don't see an intelligent, confident man. I see a cocky, scared shitless kid.

אמן על פי ציטוט זה

דרג ציטוט זה:
3.1 out of 5 based on 28 ratings.

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Score (מילים לדקה) הפצה לציטוט זה. עוד.

התוצאות הטובות ביותר עבור typing test

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
user871724 176.12 98.5%
fant0m 173.00 100%
forkhunter 156.27 100%
restspeaker 153.01 100%
69buttpractice 148.31 100%
strikeemblem 144.53 98.5%
venerated 144.31 98.5%
user491757 143.10 97.8%
practicebutt69 142.02 100%
tang 140.64 98.9%

לאחרונה עבור

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
dante-didit 98.16 96.4%
dante-didit 106.85 96%
shaikkamarul 68.99 89.8%
m_murasaki 95.55 95.7%
lisa1025 93.97 95.7%
forkhunter 153.47 100%
kicko 95.04 94.0%
mgraham 81.18 93.3%