Lullaby in Frogland - Over the Garden Wall

This quote ले थपिएको छ louistern34
At night when the lake is a mirror and the moon rides the waves to the shore, a single soul sets his voice singing, content to be slightly forlorn. A song rises over the lilies, sweeping high to clear over the reeds and the bulrushes' swaying to pluck at a pair of heartstrings. Two voices, now they are singing - then ten as the melody soars - around the shimmering pond all are joining in song as it carries their reverie on.

यो उद्धारणमा ट्रेन गर्नुहोस्

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नाम WPM सट्टाई
johnymaccarroni 152.40 98.6%
venerated 136.78 96.6%
feuv 133.51 99.1%
penguino_beano 131.23 94.9%
bennyues 131.23 98.2%
quinn_teddy 129.47 97.7%
user491757 128.53 96.6%
rayang 125.33 99.3%
hackertyper492 125.22 93.0%
strikeemblem 124.17 98.4%

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नाम WPM सट्टाई
user107556 33.84 92.5%
strikeemblem 110.96 93.2%
user238119 71.97 94.5%
user85658 49.09 92.6%
realfaker 53.50 97.5%
typefighter 73.96 94.7%
user78528 86.59 94.7%
user85658 73.68 96.4%