29 Minutes - OTH - Lucas Scott

This quote was added by kaylaym420
Tree Hill is just a place somewhere in the world, maybe it's a lot like your world; maybe it's nothing like it. But, if you look closer, you might see someone like you; or someone like my best friend Haley. If you're married, a senior in high school, and not sure if your husband is still alive, your world is a lot like Haley's. Today was supposed to be the best day of her life. But, it's amazing how things can change in a blink of an eye, or in this case, about 29 minutes.

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weesin 5 years, 6 months ago
Agreed. And if I see another mindless One Tree Hill quote, I'm gonna puke
awesome7 5 years, 6 months ago
There is no way this quote can stand on its own, and I can't relate, as I don't know the work. Its not essential to me that I should relate to a quote, but it should at least be satisfying in some way.

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