Us - Aryian Lawson

This quote was added by tybo8888
We are more than friends, we are like a REALLY small gang. This is totally true because we tell each other EVERYTHING. We go into everything together and if someone insults one of us they insult BOTH OF US.

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marchtoglory 124.95 97.2%
user381085 116.24 99.0%
2001or2 115.86 88.8%
jezpher 100.73 92.8%
kathryn821 88.01 96.3%
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typefighter 77.76 93.7%
typinglindsey 73.81 94.1%

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thecrazydane2 73.73 91.2%
marchtoglory 124.95 97.2%
jessicadr818 69.14 98.6%