Why? - Average typewriter

This quote was added by mrfaulkner
What is with all of these eight-hundred word quotes from Grey's Anatomy? All of the fancy punctuation marks and twelve syllable words can take a toll after a while.

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caitlinmarie94 5 years ago
Grey's Anatomy isn't that great tbh.
kekw 5 years, 1 month ago
vmlm 6 years, 5 months ago
Because I want to learn how to type fast and accurate, not get high scores.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user37933 138.35 98.2%
alliekarakosta 128.31 99.4%
cosmicmagic 128.16 96.5%
sampleboy 127.27 100%
am4sian 126.72 99.4%
zhengfeilong 124.94 97.6%
ltfigs 122.41 98.2%
tundan 122.04 100%
gracekosten 121.74 94.8%
gcirratum 121.59 99.4%

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swetha08 45.38 98.8%
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alkos 109.80 98.2%
petrolfume 84.04 94.8%
user109636 46.84 92.1%
user90997 79.42 90.1%
sophis 67.28 92.1%
alyxiabitoy 49.09 98.2%