The Night Circus - Laxman

This quote was added by user786912
There may be decisions to make, and surprises in store. Life takes us to unexpected places sometimes. The future is never set in stone, remember that.

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user871724 164.19 94.9%
alexnguyen11 161.05 100%
user948988 156.01 99.3%
suikacider 148.36 94.9%
2001or2 147.65 92.6%
lasjflkasjdf900 143.83 99.3%
zhengfeilong 143.24 98.0%
vmlm 142.95 100%
gian 141.24 100%
user381085 140.50 100%

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kehe4 90.38 94.9%
user107405 60.68 94.9%
kobo 72.43 91.5%