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How you perceive The Hampton Herald is up to your discretion. What you laugh at depends on your moral compass. But just remember, not everything you read on the Internet is true - we're just here to remind you.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user939249 146.31 97.2%
venerated 143.58 100%
stillow 137.04 100%
lirich90 134.09 99.1%
user74975 133.33 97.7%
alliekarakosta 133.32 95.9%
user425222 132.53 100%
typein2021 132.08 97.7%
annefucius 131.39 98.6%
vanilla 130.60 99.5%

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Name WPM Accuracy
niala_williams 17.42 84.6%
user112056 24.03 89.4%
user101896 73.74 95.5%
user110853 28.73 94.6%
kyle_w 111.90 94.6%
kmunchkin 68.74 87.5%
grootkeyboard 25.09 86.3%
andrew2002 73.13 95.0%