5 min typing test

Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk

This 5 min typing test was added by marc2
Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.

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Best scores for this 5 min typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
sokend 122.70 98.4%
cephiro 122.58 99.7%
ayulin 120.11 100%
semperfi 117.75 99.7%
xiao 112.75 98.4%
demu 112.63 98.4%
gilligilliam 110.42 99.4%
dvorakpt 103.03 98.7%
thedude0184 102.69 98.7%

Recently for 5 min typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
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vivmod 49.91 96.8%
adkinsk101 44.08 96.2%
user8878 43.14 94.9%
natergin 58.79 98.4%
zbmarius 38.93 95.2%