Animal Shelter

This quote was added by s.semp
Our dogs here must not bite or scratch as they are good dogs, but we must bite and scratch for them to make the world a better place for animals who cannot fight for themselves.

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kiriiya 4 years ago

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 195.38 99.4%
venerated 156.19 100%
user76644 154.05 96.2%
imstaken 153.36 99.4%
chrisjin 150.06 98.9%
bunniexo 149.84 98.9%
gtr7 149.48 99.4%
leona8 148.19 98.9%
user491757 148.08 98.9%
penguino_beano 147.34 98.9%

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Name WPM Accuracy
flackboard 120.22 97.8%
omolon 60.76 94.1%
user108031 42.27 88.6%
user111679 40.68 96.7%
user871724 195.38 99.4%
kwim99 58.76 96.2%
kicko 107.18 95.7%
kyle_w 111.75 95.7%